Own the suitable exam matrial can help you to pass the Apple Mac OS X 10.6(9L0-403) test. Such as Ourexam Apple Certification exam material The newest 9L0-403 practice exam material contain 86 Question and Answers. Want to get the certification for Apple Certified Technical Coordinator (ACTC) 10.6, you must choose two ways to get. One way for the certification way, you must take two exams----Mac OS X Support Essentials 10.6 Exam (9L0-403),Mac OS X Server Essentials 10.6 Exam (9L0-510). The other way only take ACTC 10.6 Recertification Exam*(9L0-511), but the online exam until May 3.2010.
Exam number: 9L0-403
Number of test questions: 86 technical, 5 demographic (unscored)
Passing score: 73% (scores are not rounded; you must earn a score of
73% or higher to pass the exam)
Test duration: 2 hours
Certification: Apple Certified Support Professional (ACSP) 10.6